By taking part in an online DayLiv Pilates class, or using a recording, you fully understand that your teacher is not always able to offer any personal correction; you agree to take responsibility for your own body; you agree not to perform any exercises or movements that may cause you discomfort; and you confirm that you are fit and able to join the class. You must ensure that you are working in a safe environment and that you are able to clearly see and/or hear your teacher in order to follow instructions. It is your responsibility to let the teacher know before the class if anything affects your ability to exercise that day. By joining the class you automatically agree to waive all statutory rights against your teacher.

Thank you so much for choosing to join DayLiv Pilates classes! The following Terms & Conditions are to help you get the most from the sessions.

Group Class participants must be able to get down onto a mat and back up again without assistance. Any pre-existing conditions or injuries must be divulged in the client health-screening questionnaire prior to sessions taking place. Any new information should be divulged to the teacher before a class and well in advance if at all possible. Please do inform me at the start of the class of any new injury or pain, if you haven’t let me know prior to then. Clients must keep the teacher informed of any changes in their health. 

Classes are 1 hour long, please arrive promptly as it is important to experience the warm up, for your safety. Please bring some water, should you require a drink. 

Equipment is provided for those who wish it, including mats, but feel free to bring your own mat or purchase your own equipment to bring if you prefer. Please use the neck and head cushions provided as per guidance. Do bring a towel to cover head cushions, if you wish, if you are using DayLiv equipment.

It is important that you do not attend a class when feeling ill or with a high temperature. Taking part in Pilates after eating a big meal is not advisable. Please do not drink alcohol before the class.

Please wear comfortable clothing which is not too baggy so that we can see the body move. Leggings, tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts or shorts are all fine – if wearing baggier shorts please ensure movement is not likely to be revealing! Socks are ideal for the feet but take care not to slip during some movements – socks with sticky soles are ideal. Barefoot is fine but please ensure any contagious foot conditions are covered. Please ensure that shoes are left outside in the entrance area and that coats and bags are stashed safely when in the Hall – come ready for exercise if at all possible, although there are changing facilities available. 

Unless it is an emergency, please switch your mobile phone off or ensure it is on silent during the class. If you need to take a call please do so outside of the Pilates room. Once at your mat “station”, it is still a good idea to avoid moving through the Hall further. Toilets are available at each venue if required. 


Group Classes are payable in a monthly payment system at £30 per month for 1 class per week (face to face or Zoom), covering 38-39 classes per year. Classes tend to run with school term times with a few weeks’ of classes during August where possible. The price takes into account 4-5 missed client sessions for holidays and so on. So, as long as you do a minimum 35 classes in the year, the price per class is just over £10. If you do the full compliment they work out at around £9 per class. There is the option to swap classes where space allows, should you need to miss one week or alter your pattern for shift or rota work. Many clients find this option works well for them on a regular basis. With 24hrs notice, I can also send you a Zoom link for available hybrid classes.

Two classes per week (face to face or Zoom) is £48 per month, if all 76 classes are completed, this is £7.50 per class overall. 
Three classes per week (face to face or Zoom) is £60 per month, all 114 classes in the year works out at a little over £6 per class. 

There are many couples or mother/daughter combinations in the DayLiv tribe – 2 people from the same household receive a 5% reduction in monthly fees.

The PAYG price is £12.50 per class, notifiable at least 24 hours in advance – this is only available to those who have undertaken a client induction and sent through an enrolment form.

One to one sessions are £40 per hour (£150 for a block of 5) and £55 for 2 people sharing a lesson (£225 for a block of 5). Please give at least 24 hrs notice for a cancellation otherwise half the fee will be charged.

Cancellations/Missed Classes

Classes are paid for monthly and taught as blocks. If you wish to cancel your monthly payments then a month’s notification is appreciated. If you know in advance you will miss a class or need to miss one through illness, as mentioned you may well be able to catch up the missed session at another class during the same block or even later on, subject to availability in the class. Please therefore let me know as soon as possible if you will miss a particular class. The payment plan takes into account missed classes for client holidays or that there may be 1 or 2 cancellations of classes in the event of my own illness or an emergency occurring. An extensive set of recordings is continually available for enrolled clients, should they miss a class or if they would like extra practice, or for home use during break weeks.

Booking One-to-One Sessions

A discounted one to one session or a free trial class will be offered to new clients depending on need. Thereafter one to one sessions can be booked and paid for at the time or booked and paid for as a block of 5 sessions in advance – please see above for prices. Dates will be agreed subject to hall availability.

Privacy Policy

Once you have contacted me, I use the Body Control Pilates Enrolment form for information on your health and well-being and in order to plan my classes accordingly. This information is digested to ensure I teach at a suitable level for your needs. It is important that you divulge absolutely everything I may need to know on that form. No data is shared with any third party. If a need arises to discuss your application with a health professional, this will only be done with your full agreement. Upon leaving my classes I am required by law to hold your Enrolment Form securely for 7 years, after which it will be destroyed.

Use of Cookies

This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it.  This software is provided by Google Analytics which uses cookies to track visitor usage.  The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not collect, save or store personal information.  You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information.